Advent of Code 2024 - Day 21, in Kotlin - Keypad Conundrum
Kotlin solutions to parts 1 and 2 of Advent of Code 2024, Day 21: 'Keypad Conundrum'
Wooooo that was confusing. I read the puzzle description a few times and it just did not click with me this time. Most times it does, but I really had a hard time visualizing what was happening. Now that I’ve solved it, it is clear, but this morning it sure wasn’t! I had some help from the /r/AdventOfCode Reddit to help understand what was being asked.
Once I understood the point of the puzzle, I came up with a solution that worked, thankfully! Recursion and memoization to the rescue!
If you’d rather just view the code, my GitHub Repository is here.
Puzzle Input
We will take our input as a List<String>
we’ll call codes
because they represent the codes we’re trying to punch into the keypads.
We will also define two keypad Maps. The key to the map is a Point2D
and the value is the Char
that is at that spot. I’ve laid these out below like the example so we can more clearly see where the gaps are. We’ll call these numericPad
and directionalPad
class Day21(private val codes: List<String>) {
private val numericPad: Map<Point2D, Char> = mapOf(
Point2D(0,0) to '7', Point2D(1,0) to '8', Point2D(2,0) to '9',
Point2D(0,1) to '4', Point2D(1,1) to '5', Point2D(2,1) to '6',
Point2D(0,2) to '1', Point2D(1,2) to '2', Point2D(2,2) to '3',
Point2D(1,3) to '0', Point2D(2,3) to 'A'
private val directionalPad: Map<Point2D, Char> = mapOf(
Point2D(1,0) to '^', Point2D(2,0) to 'A',
Point2D(0,1) to '<', Point2D(1,1) to 'v', Point2D(2,1) to '>'
Strategy and Shared Code
First, we need to know all of the shortest paths from every source to every destination on each keypad. Meaning, if there are 2 paths from Point-A to Point-B and they’re tied for shortest, we want to see them both. To do this, we’ll define an allPoints
extension on the Map<Point, Char>
that returns a Map<Pair<Point2D, Point2D>, List<String>>
where the key is a from/to pair and the List<String>
are all the paths expressed with characters (so, “»»A” means “move four spaces east and press the button”).
We will define these path structures as numericPaths
and directionalPaths
. I suppose if I had made the Point2D
objects in directionalPad
not overlap with those in numericPad
, we could have a single map for all of the paths, but we don’t.
// In Day21
private val numericPaths: Map<Pair<Char, Char>, List<String>> = numericPad.allPaths()
private val directionalPaths: Map<Pair<Char, Char>, List<String>> = directionalPad.allPaths()
The to create the paths, we define an extension function that pairs up all of the keys in the map with every other key in the map, and then calls findLowestCostPaths
on the pair. We associate
all of this together into a map.
// In Day21
private fun Map<Point2D, Char>.allPaths(): Map<Pair<Char, Char>, List<String>> =
.associate {
(getValue(it.first) to getValue(it.second)) to findLowestCostPaths(it.first, it.second)
Our allPairs
function does a flatMap/map
to get all pairs, including pairs that reference themselves. This is critical for later!
// In Day21
private fun <T> Collection<T>.allPairs(): List<Pair<T, T>> =
flatMap { left ->
map { right -> left to right }
The findLowestCostPaths
function should look similar to the one we wrote the other day on Day 16
to find all of the lowest cost paths through the maze. This code is mostly a copy and paste of that with the turning and costing functions removed.
Basically, we traverse from start
to end
and when we’ve found the end
, we record the entire path. We make sure we’ve captured all of the lowest cost paths from start
to end
and then we convert the from a List<Point2D>
to a String
. This conversion done via zipWithNext
to pair all of the Point2D
object up, and then mapping with diffToChar
to take two Point2D
objects and determine which Char
represents that transition.
It is important to note that each of these transitions must end with an A
for the button press. I neglected to put this on when I first wrote this and spent a little while trying to figure out why something that seemed right didn’t work.
// In Day21
private fun Map<Point2D, Char>.findLowestCostPaths(start: Point2D, end: Point2D): List<String> {
val queue = PriorityQueue<Pair<List<Point2D>, Int>>(compareBy { it.second })
.apply { add(listOf(start) to 0) }
val seen = mutableMapOf<Point2D, Int>()
var costAtGoal: Int? = null
val allPaths: MutableList<String> = mutableListOf()
while (queue.isNotEmpty()) {
val (path, cost) = queue.poll()
val location = path.last()
if (costAtGoal != null && cost > costAtGoal) {
return allPaths
} else if (path.last() == end) {
costAtGoal = cost
allPaths.add(path.zipWithNext().map { (from, to) -> from.diffToChar(to) }.joinToString("") + "A")
} else if (seen.getOrDefault(location, Int.MAX_VALUE) >= cost) {
seen[location] = cost
.filter { it in keys }
.forEach { queue.add(path + it to cost + 1) }
return allPaths
The diffToChar
function only works on cardinal directions as we don’t allow a diagonal traversal of the keypads.
// In Day21
private fun Point2D.diffToChar(other: Point2D): Char =
when (val result = other - this) {
Point2D.NORTH -> '^'
Point2D.EAST -> '>'
Point2D.SOUTH -> 'v'
Point2D.WEST -> '<'
else -> throw IllegalArgumentException("Invalid direction $result")
Alright, finally! Now that we know all of the best paths between any two points on each of the keypads, we have what we need to write our findCost
function, which will implement the core logic of this solution.
Let’s suppose the number we’re trying to find is 12
. The path between them would be >
. Given a >
, we need to look on the directionalPaths
keypad to find out how to make that transition, and so on. Our findCost
function will take a code
to look for, the depth
in the call chain we are (which counts down), a transitions
map which defaults to the numericPaths
, and a cache
which will store intermediate results (which defaults to an empty map).
We will key our cache
by the code
and its depth
in the call tree. If we have seen the code
and depth
, we return it directly from the cache
(this will save us mountains of time).
In the event we don’t find what we need in the cache, we’ll have to calculate it. The way we do this is to get the sumOf
all of the minimum paths between all of the points in the code
. So if our code
is “012”, we’ll find the smallest cost of 0 to 1, and then the smallest cost of 1 to 2. Oh, and the same note with “A” applies here, every sequence starts and ends with “A”, so we manually add it to the code
If we’re not at the lowest depth
, we need to recursively call ourselves with the path
given as a new code, and a depth
one level down the chain. Since we only need the numericPaths
the first time we call findCost
, we always pass idrectionalPath
, and we always pass the cache
// In Day21
private fun findCost(
code: String,
depth: Int,
transitions: Map<Pair<Char, Char>, List<String>> = numericPaths,
cache: MutableMap<Pair<String, Int>, Long> = mutableMapOf()
): Long =
cache.getOrPut(code to depth) {
"A$code".zipWithNext().sumOf { transition ->
val paths: List<String> = transitions.getValue(transition)
if (depth == 0) {
paths.minOf { it.length }.toLong()
} else {
paths.minOf { path -> findCost(path, depth - 1, directionalPaths, cache) }
All that’s left is to write a solve
function which gets the sumOf
all of the scores of each code
. We have to multiply the result from findCost
and the number part of the code
, which we can get by dropping the last element (which, by necessity, is always an “A”, the only non-number in the code
). These numbers also get huge for Part 2, so we’ll make them Long
// In Day21
private fun solve(depth: Int): Long =
codes.sumOf { findCost(it, depth) * it.dropLast(1).toLong() }
OK, now we have everything we need to solve both parts of the puzzle.
⭐ Day 21, Part 1
The puzzle text can be found here.
We can now solve part 1 by setting the depth on our solve
function to 2.
// In Day21
fun solvePart1(): Long =
Star earned! Onward!
⭐ Day 21, Part 2
The puzzle text can be found here.
We can solve part 2 by increasing the depth to 25. Thanks to our memoizing cache, we don’t have to make any change or worry about runtime.
// In Day21
fun solvePart2(): Long =
Star earned! See you tomorrow!
Further Reading
- Index of All Solutions - All posts and solutions for 2024, in Kotlin.
- My Github repo - Solutions and tests for each day.
- Solution - Full code for day 21
- Advent of Code - Come join in and do these challenges yourself!