Advent of Code 2024 - Day 18, in Kotlin - RAM Run
Kotlin solutions to parts 1 and 2 of Advent of Code 2024, Day 18: 'RAM Run'
Another maze puzzle! I love these. We’ll solve Part 1 with yet another Breadth-First search, and write our own binary search function to solve Part 2.
If you’d rather just view the code, my GitHub Repository is here.
Puzzle Input
We will take our input
in as a List<String>
and turn it into a List<Point2D>
objects to represent the bytes
. We won’t generate a grid, we’ll just store the places we can’t go.
class Day18(input: List<String>) {
private val bytes: List<Point2D> = { Point2D.of(it) }
I can’t believe we haven’t had to convert a String
to a Point2D
yet! Let’s fix that by adding a of
function to our existing Point2D
companion object
// In Point2D Companion Object
fun of(input: String): Point2D =
input.split(",").let {
Point2D(it.first().toInt(), it.last().toInt())
⭐ Day 18, Part 1
The puzzle text can be found here.
First, let’s add an extension function private to Day18
on Point2D
to figure out if a given Point2D
is in the range.
// In Day18
private fun Point2D.inRange(end: Point2D): Boolean =
x in 0..end.x && y in 0..end.y
In order to work ourselves through the maze, we’ll use another Depth-First search. The queue
stores the location and cost to get there, and we record the set of Point2D
places we’ve seen
. This traverse
function returns an Int?
to cover the case where there may not be a path through the maze (we will need this for Part 2).
// In Day18
private fun traverse(end: Point2D, barriers: Set<Point2D>): Int? {
val queue = mutableListOf(Point2D.ORIGIN to 0)
val seen = mutableSetOf<Point2D>()
while (queue.isNotEmpty()) {
val (place, cost) = queue.removeFirst()
if (place == end) return cost
else if (seen.add(place)) {
.filter { it.inRange(end) }
.filterNot { it in barriers }
.forEach { queue.add(it to cost + 1) }
return null
This should look very familiar - while there is work to do, examine spots we haven’t seen before. Add any neighbors that we could move to at a cost + 1.
Calling traverse
solves Part 1. The solvePart1
function takes in the range
of the maze and the number of fallingBytes
as the values of these changes between the example data and the actual data.
// In Day18
fun solvePart1(range: Point2D, fallingBytes: Int): Int =
traverse(range, bytes.take(fallingBytes).toSet())
?: throw IllegalStateException()
Star earned! Onward!
⭐ Day 18, Part 2
The puzzle text can be found here.
We can do Part 2 by running the traverse
function with increasing number of bytes
until one of them returns null (no path through the maze). On my machine this finishes in just under 3 seconds. Not terrible, but we can do better.
What we’ll do is perform a binary search over the list of bytes, finding the first one that returns null. We’ll add this to our Extensions.kt
file as it will be generally useful.
// In Extensions.kt
fun <T> List<T>.binarySearchIndexOfFirstOrNull(fn: (T) -> Boolean): Int? {
var low = 0
var high = lastIndex
var firstFind: Int? = null
while (low <= high) {
val mid = (low + high) shr 1
if (fn(get(mid))) {
firstFind = mid
high = mid - 1
} else {
low = mid + 1
return firstFind
This binary search differs from most binary searches you’ve probably seen because it finds the first instance that passes the predicate (fn
). If we don’t find a valid value, we return null.
Once we can do a binary search that returns the index or null, we can add some additional functions to make life easier.
I fully realize these names are somewhat long, but I am a) trying to be descriptive (“binary search”) and b) follow the naming standard already in the Kotlin Standard Library.
// In Extensions.kt
fun <T> List<T>.binarySearchFirst(fn: (T) -> Boolean): T =
binarySearchFirstOrNull(fn) ?:
throw IllegalStateException("No elements match predicate")
fun <T> List<T>.binarySearchFirstOrNull(fn: (T) -> Boolean): T? =
binarySearchIndexOfFirstOrNull(fn)?.let { get(it) }
fun <T> List<T>.binarySearchIndexOfFirst(fn: (T) -> Boolean): Int =
binarySearchIndexOfFirstOrNull(fn) ?:
throw IllegalStateException("No elements match predicate")
Now that we can do a binary search, we’ll use it to traverse
with varying number of bytes
until we find the first byte that causes us to not have a path through the maze. Because we want both the value of the location and the index, we’ll use withIndex()
from the Kotlin Standard Library.
// In Day18
fun solvePart2(range: Point2D): String =
.binarySearchFirst { (index, _) ->
traverse(range, bytes.take(index + 1).toSet()) == null
}.let { (_, value) ->
We give binarySearchFirst
a function call to traverse
with a variable number of bytes to take, returning the first one that results in a null (no path through the maze). We use let
to convert the Point2D
we’ve found to a properly formatted String
Star earned! See you tomorrow!
Further Reading
- Index of All Solutions - All posts and solutions for 2024, in Kotlin.
- My Github repo - Solutions and tests for each day.
- Solution - Full code for day 18
- Advent of Code - Come join in and do these challenges yourself!