Advent of Code 2024 - Day 17, in Kotlin - Chronospatial Computer
Kotlin solutions to parts 1 and 2 of Advent of Code 2024, Day 17: 'Chronospatial Computer'
I rather liked the first part of today’s puzzle. Writing an interpreter is kind of fun! I am not, however, a huge fan of the “disassemble the program and figure out what it is doing” puzzles. And that’s fine, there are plenty of people who like them and plenty of puzzles I do like instead. I do appreciate the amount of effort that went into designing this puzzle though.
If you’d rather just view the code, my GitHub Repository is here.
Puzzle Input
We will take today’s input
in as a List<String>
and parse it into a Computer
, which we will define in a moment.
class Day17(input: List<String>) {
private val computer: Computer = Computer.of(input)
Our Computer
will be a data class. Originally I had it as a regular class, but since we’ll need to create copies of the Computer
in part 2, we can get that for free by making this a data class
. It will house our three registers, the program
we’re executing as a List<Int>
, a private instructionPointer
, and a private mutable list to store the output
// In Day17
private data class Computer(
var registerA: Long,
var registerB: Long,
var registerC: Long,
val program: List<Int>
) {
private var instructionPointer: Int = 0
private val output = mutableListOf<Long>()
companion object {
fun of(input: List<String>): Computer =
input[0].substringAfterLast(" ").toLong(),
input[1].substringAfterLast(" ").toLong(),
input[2].substringAfterLast(" ").toLong(),
input[4].substringAfterLast(" ").split(",").map { it.toInt() }
For parsing, we’ll go the usual route of adding an of
function to the companion object
. We’ll also use substringAfterLast
to do most of the work.
We will add more to our Computer
in Part 1.
⭐ Day 17, Part 1
The puzzle text can be found here.
Let’s add some functions to our computer. First up, an extension on Int
to convert it to a combo operand. We’ll use a when
expression to do this.
// In In Day17.Computer
private fun Int.toComboOperand(): Long =
when (this) {
in 0..3 -> toLong()
4 -> registerA
5 -> registerB
6 -> registerC
else -> throw IllegalArgumentException("Invalid operand: $this")
Next, we’ll write a function to execute the instruction at the instructionPointer
and return whether it was successful or not. Given the length, I won’t go through executeInstruction
in detail, but I will cover some of the highlights:
- Be really careful when implementing these, I got
mixed up more than once, yielding wrong answers! - Rather than implement opcodes 0, 6, and 7 as written, you can do a bitwise right shift by the
which has the same effect.
// In Day17.Computer
fun executeInstruction(): Boolean {
if (instructionPointer > program.lastIndex) return false
else {
val operand = program[instructionPointer + 1]
val comboOperand = operand.toComboOperand()
when (program[instructionPointer]) {
0 -> {
registerA = registerA shr comboOperand.toInt()
instructionPointer += 2
1 -> {
registerB = registerB xor operand.toLong()
instructionPointer += 2
2 -> {
registerB = comboOperand % 8
instructionPointer += 2
3 -> {
instructionPointer = if (registerA == 0L) instructionPointer + 2
else operand
4 -> {
registerB = registerB xor registerC
instructionPointer += 2
5 -> {
output.add(comboOperand % 8)
instructionPointer += 2
6 -> {
registerB = registerA shr comboOperand.toInt()
instructionPointer += 2
7 -> {
registerC = registerA shr comboOperand.toInt()
instructionPointer += 2
return true
Now that we can execute a single instruction let’s write a function to run a program and return the output.
// In Day17.Computer
fun runToEnd(): List<Long> {
var executed = true
while (executed) {
executed = executeInstruction()
return output
I attempted to implement runToEnd
with a sequence but felt it was a bit messy and just ended up with this while loop.
Running the program and joining the output
to a comma-separated String
solves part 1.
// In Day17
fun solvePart1(): String =
Star earned! Onward!
⭐ Day 17, Part 2
The puzzle text can be found here.
For Part 2, I got help from Reddit, specifically this comment by /u/ThunderChaser . I’m not following /u/ThunderChaser around the internet or anything, it’s a complete coincidence that the same person has unwittingly helped me twice this year (see advent 2024, Day 13 )!
Basically, the theory is this: The least significant 3 bits of A eventually affect what ends up in the output. So if we work our way through the program instructions backwards, we should be able to figure out what value of A generates the last value of the program instructions to the output. It will be in the range of 0 to 7, so there aren’t that many possibilities. If we take all of those successful candidates, shift them left by 3, and repeat the process, we should be able to generate the last two digits of the program instructions. Keep doing that and we eventually end up with some value in A that reproduces our program in the output.
I was able to get it down to a single function, which I think is rather nice.
// In Day17
fun solvePart2(): Long =
.map { it.toLong() }
.fold(listOf(0L)) { candidates, instruction ->
candidates.flatMap { candidate ->
val shifted = candidate shl 3
(shifted..shifted + 8).mapNotNull { attempt ->
computer.copy().run {
registerA = attempt
attempt.takeIf { runToEnd().first() == instruction }
Since we’re going to go backwards through the program, we want to get the program.reversed()
. And since our program is made of Int
s, we convert them to Long. Next we set up a fold
, seeding it with a list(0)
, zero being the first candidate we want to try our process on, and instruction
being the next last program instruction that we are folding over. For each candidate
, we shift it left by 3, and then range over that number to that number plus 8. We copy
the computer
, set A the number we want to attempt
and run it. If the computer generates output that matches the instruction
, we’ve found a valid attempt, and we take it.
We continue the process until all we have run through all the instructions
. The value we generate is the value of A that will successfully reproduce our program instructions.
Star earned (with help)! See you tomorrow!
Further Reading
- Index of All Solutions - All posts and solutions for 2024, in Kotlin.
- My Github repo - Solutions and tests for each day.
- Solution - Full code for day 17
- Advent of Code - Come join in and do these challenges yourself!