Advent of Code 2023 - Day 22, in Kotlin - Sand Slabs
Kotlin solutions to parts 1 and 2 of Advent of Code 2023, Day 22: 'Sand Slabs'
I enjoyed this one. I went through a few different implementations and am happy where I ended up on this one. It’s been refreshing to solve this one as I’ve been struggling with Days 19 and 21.
If you’d rather just view the code, my GitHub Repository is here.
Puzzle Input
Today we will take our input
as a List<String>
and parse each row into a List<Brick>
(with Brick
being a data class we will see shortly). After creating each Brick
we put them in z-increasing order and settle
them (compact them down so everything is resting on something else).
class Day22(input: List<String>) {
private val bricks: List<Brick> = input
.mapIndexed { index, row -> Brick.of(index, row) }
The Brick
class has a lot going on, so I’ll explain it below.
// In Day22
private data class Brick(val id: Int, val x: IntRange, val y: IntRange, val z: IntRange) : Comparable<Brick> {
val supporting = mutableSetOf<Brick>()
val supportedBy = mutableSetOf<Brick>()
override fun compareTo(other: Brick): Int =
z.first - other.z.first
fun supports(other: Brick) {
supporting += other
other.supportedBy += this
fun canSupport(other: Brick): Boolean =
x intersects other.x && y intersects other.y && z.last + 1 == other.z.first
fun onGround(): Boolean =
z.first == GROUND
fun fall(restingPlace: Int): Brick =
z = restingPlace..(restingPlace + (z.last - z.first))
companion object {
const val GROUND = 1
fun of(index: Int, input: String): Brick =
.map { side -> side.split(",").map { it.toInt() } }
.let { lists ->
val left = lists.first()
val right = lists.last()
The Brick
class has three IntRanges
, one for each of x
, y
, and z
. Originally I had created a Point3D
class for this and maintained two of them but it just got confusing so I abandoned that effort. For the purpose of debugging, I have given each Brick
an id
The first thing to notice is the companion object
. We need to know where the GROUND
is (it is NOT at 0, it is at 1, and this kept screwing me up so I made a constant for it). The of
function parses out a single row of input
and returns a new Brick
implements Comparable<Brick>
so we can order them by z-order, which is done in the compareTo
function. We also declare two sets, those bricks that are supportedBy
this brick and those bricks that are supporting
this brick. We have a supports
function to maintain the two-way relationship here, as well as a canSupport
function to determine if two bricks are oriented in such a way that one can support the other.
The only other function of note in here is fall
, which creates a new Brick
with the same id
, x
, and y
values but a new z
value that starts at the restingPlace
Because IntRange.intersection()
in Kotlin involves enumerating the range and creating a Set<Int>
, I’ve created an intersects
function in Extensions.kt
which shortcuts this and returns a Boolean
which tells us if the ranges intersect or not. For fun, this is an infix
// In Extensions.kt
infix fun IntRange.intersects(other: IntRange): Boolean =
first <= other.last && last >= other.first
Since the bricks come to us as snapshots of them falling, we need to make sure when we model them that we put them in their proper final orientation. To do this, we’ll write an extension function on List<Brick>
called settle
, whose job is to make the bricks fall into place.
// In Day22
private fun List<Brick>.settle(): List<Brick> = buildList {
this@settle.forEach { brick ->
var current = brick
do {
var settled = false
val supporters = filter { below -> below.canSupport(current) }
if (supporters.isEmpty() && !current.onGround()) {
val restingPlace = filter { it.z.last < current.z.first - 1 }
.maxOfOrNull { it.z.last }?.let { it + 1 } ?: GROUND
current = current.fall(restingPlace)
} else {
settled = true
supporters.forEach { below -> below.supports(current) }
} while (!settled)
When I need to build a list iteratively I like to use the built-in buildList
function instead of declaring a MutableList
and altering it. In the end, it is the same effect but this also lets us implement setttle
as a single expression. The only weird thing about using buildList
is that within it, this
is the list we’re creating. So in order to refer to the this
that refers to the List<Brick>
we called settle
on, we have to refer to it via this@settle
. At any rate, we go through all of the bricks one by one and either find them settled into place, or put them there.
Because we need to change the z
range of a brick if it is not in place, we’ll need to define current
as a var
so we can overwrite it. While we have not fully settled the current
brick, we check to see how many of the current list that we are creating (which is initially empty) would be able to support it. This is done because we can assume that those are already settled if they’re in the list we’re making. If the current brick doesn’t have any supporters and it is not on the ground, we need to calculate the restingPlace
for the current
brick. We do this by looking again at all the bricks we’ve put in our new list (read: have settled) and find any whose z
is below ours, and take the max of all those. If none of them match, we assume the brick falls to the GROUND
. Once we know where the brick falls to, we call the fall
function, which returns a new Brick
to replace the current
If the brick has settled (or the above logic runs and then we loop back here from the while
loop), we add the supporters
to the brick that we’ve fallen onto. This takes care of setting both ends of the supporting/supported relationship.
At the end of this function, all bricks are in their right place z-wise.
⭐ Day 22, Part 1
The puzzle text can be found here.
Thanks to all the parsing and settling, we’re mostly ready to solve part 1. The only thing we really need to do is identify which bricks are “structurally significant”. Meaning - if we remove them things break, not merely a “load bearing” brick. We define a brick as “structurally significant” if the bricks it supports are only supported by one brick.
// In Day22
private fun List<Brick>.structurallySignificant(): List<Brick> =
filter { brick -> brick.supporting.any { it.supportedBy.size == 1 } }
We define structurallySignificant
as a function on List<Brick>
and use the any
function to filter
in the bricks we want.
Now we can solve part 1.
// In Day22
fun solvePart1(): Int =
bricks.size - bricks.structurallySignificant().size
Subtract the number of structurally significant bricks from the total number of bricks and we’ve got our answer.
Star earned! Onward!
⭐ Day 22, Part 2
The puzzle text can be found here.
Let’s topple some bricks! I really tried hard to write topple
as a recursive function but I just could not get the actual answer I was looking for. The example values all worked out, but I’m missing something about how blocks are stacked and found it easier to do it iteratively.
We’ll write topple
as an extension function on Brick
rather than on Brick
itself because we need to know all the bricks
in the stack to do the toppling and I didn’t want to pass them in.
// In Day22
private fun Brick.topple(): Set<Brick> = buildSet {
val untoppled = (bricks - this).toMutableSet()
do {
val willFall = untoppled
.filter { it.supportedBy.isNotEmpty() }
.filter { it.supportedBy.all { brick -> brick in this } }
.also {
} while (willFall.isNotEmpty())
When we implement topple
we will use buildSet
which behaves similarly to how buildList
works except with a Set
. Again, I like this instead of defining my own MutableSet
and adding to it because it lets me implement topple
as a single expression.
In topple
we add the current brick we want to topple to the “this has been toppled” set we’re building. Then we go through every other brick in the set (untoppled
) and see if we have toppled them by removing the critical support. We keep attempting to make bricks fall until none do, and then we’re confident that the stack is in its end state. We do this by going through the as-yet untoppled
bricks and finding bricks that have support and whose supports are all in the toppled set we’re currently building. If so, congratulations, we’ve toppled another brick. So add it to the current set and remove it from the untoppled
set. When the topple
function returns it returns a set containing all of the bricks that toppled by removing the brick the topple
function was called on (including the one it was called on).
Now we can solve part 2.
// In Day22
fun solvePart2(): Int =
bricks.structurallySignificant().sumOf { it.topple().size - 1 }
We find all of the structurally significant blocks and topple them. Since we return the structurally significant blocks from the topple
function, we subtract 1 so we don’t include them in the eventual answer, which sumOf
gives us.
Star earned! See you tomorrow!
Further Reading
- Index of All Solutions - All posts and solutions for 2023, in Kotlin.
- My Github repo - Solutions and tests for each day.
- Solution - Full code for day 22
- Advent of Code - Come join in and do these challenges yourself!