Advent of Code 2022 - Day 21, in Kotlin - Monkey Math
Kotlin solutions to parts 1 and 2 of Advent of Code 2022, Day 21: 'Monkey Math'
I really liked this puzzle, and it has given me a much needed boost of positive energy after the last few days, which I ended up spending a lot of time on. Today, we’ll build a tree structure and use it to help solve both Part One and Part Two.
If you’d rather just view code, the GitHub Repository is here .
Puzzle Input
We’ll start by defining a Monkey
interface and two implementations - NumberMonkey
(which just represents a number), and FormulaMonkey
which represents a left
side Monkey
, a right
side Monkey
and an op
(operation) to perform on those sides. I had considered making these a sealed class structure, but since these are all private to the Day21
class, and I don’t ever need to know an exhaustive list of subclasses, I just went with an interface and two implementations.
The interface itself mandates that each Monkey
must have a name
and must yell()
(truly, the mark of a great interface). I really need you to know that I fought very hard with myself not to rename yell
One thing I’m doing differently today, just to show you a technique I sometimes like to use, is to define an invoke
operator in the companion, rather than an of
function like we normally have. It does the same thing, but makes the syntax for calling it a bit nicer. In our case, we can say Monkey(someRowOfInput)
and invoke
will be called. Neat, huh? I like to use this when I do actually have a sealed interface/class structure so the top class (or interface) can act like a factory. The caller thinks they are just dealing with Monkey
, but as you can see, a specific implementation is returned.
// In Day21
private interface Monkey {
val name: String
fun yell(): Long
companion object {
operator fun invoke(row: String): Monkey {
val name = row.substringBefore(":")
return if (row.length == 17) {
FormulaMonkey(name, row.substring(6..9), row.substringAfterLast(" "), row[11])
} else {
NumberMonkey(name, row.substringAfter(" ").toLong())
And as usual, I’ll use substring
, substringBefore
, substringAfter
, and substringAfterLast
rather than use regular expressions.
The NumberMonkey
has a simple implementation. When we call yell
, it returns its number
// In Day21
private class NumberMonkey(
override val name: String,
val number: Long
) : Monkey {
override fun yell(): Long = number
On the other hand, FormulaMonkey
is a bit more complicated. We take in a String
for both the leftName
and rightName
since when we are parsing the Monkey
instances from the input
, we only have String
names and not instances of Monkey
yet. We’ll define two lateinit var
to hold the left
and right
actual Monkey
instances and use them in our calculations, ignoring the string versions.
For the FormulaMonkey
, when we call yell
it takes the left
value and the right
value and performs an op
, which we will implement as an extension function on Long
// In Day21
private class FormulaMonkey(
override val name: String,
val leftName: String,
val rightName: String,
val op: Char
) : Monkey {
lateinit var left: Monkey
lateinit var right: Monkey
override fun yell(): Long =
left.yell() op right.yell()
private infix fun Long.op(right: Long): Long =
when (op) {
'+' -> this + right
'-' -> this - right
'*' -> this * right
else -> this / right
And to parse all of our input
into a Set<Monkey>
, we’ll define a parseInput
function which rectifies the FormulaMonkey
references. When the Monkey.invoke
function returns an instance of NumberMonkey
, we need to go link up all of the actual instances in left
and right
. We do that work here.
// In Day21
private fun parseInput(input: List<String>): Set<Monkey> {
val monkeyCache: Map<String, Monkey> = { Monkey(it) }.associateBy { }
monkeyCache.values.filterIsInstance<FormulaMonkey>().forEach { monkey ->
monkey.left = monkeyCache.getValue(monkey.leftName)
monkey.right = monkeyCache.getValue(monkey.rightName)
return monkeyCache.values.toSet()
Since we only need a Set<Monkey>
, we can return the values
of the temporary Map
we have, and turn it into a set via toSet
We’ll save these, and a reference to the root
Monkey, since we’ll refer to it a couple of times.
class Day21(input: List<String>) {
private val monkeys: Set<Monkey> = parseInput(input)
private val root: Monkey = monkeys.first { == "root" }
⭐ Day 21, Part 1
The puzzle text can be found here.
Because we put all of the logic into our Monkey
clases, and did all of the parsing work, we have all the code we need to solve Part One, which JUST INVOLVES YELLING.
// InDay21
fun solvePart1(): Long =
Star earned! Onward!
⭐ Day 21, Part 2
The puzzle text can be found here.
Before we start writing code, let’s figure out how we want to solve Part Two (always a good idea to think before coding, advice I don’t always follow).
Let’s start with the simplest setup. A root node with a single left
node, a single right
node. If left
is 3 and right
is 4, our root node value is 7. Now let’s pretend that left
becomes the humn node, and we’re looking for it to equal the right
node. How do we know what it needs to be?
[left == right]
/ \
/ \
(?) (4)
We know the answer must be 4 or else the root node won’t equal out. Let’s do a more complicated example:
[left == right]
/ \
/ \
(-) (+)
/ \ / \
/ \ / \
(?) (4) (4) (6)
So now what? Ultimately the right
side value is 10, so the left
side value also needs to be 10
. We know the value of the ?
node must be 14 because 14 - 4 == 10. When the root node calculates the right
side, it knows it wants the left
side to be 10 as well, so it passes 10 down to the (-
) minus node. How does that turn into a 14? If we reverse the minus op
computation to a plus, we can add the incoming 10 to the 4 and get 14 - the number we’re after!
It turns out, if we perform this same algorithm across all of the nodes in the tree, and have a new set of functions to reverse any computation that one of the FormulaMonkey
instances can do, we’ll have our answer!
We’re going to add some functions to our Monkey
instances in order to perform the calculations.
First up - we need to know the set of Monkey
instances that make up the path from the root
to the humn
node. We don’t really care about the order, just which Set
is involved (because there are no cycles).
// In Day 21
private interface Monkey {
// ... existing functions and properties not shown
fun findHumanPath(): Set<Monkey>
private class NumberMonkey {
// ... existing functions and properties not shown
override fun findHumanPath(): Set<Monkey> =
if (name == "humn") setOf(this) else emptySet()
private class FormulaMonkey {
// ... existing functions and properties not shown
override fun findHumanPath(): Set<Monkey> {
val leftPath = left.findHumanPath()
val rightPath = right.findHumanPath()
return if (leftPath.isNotEmpty()) leftPath + this
else if (rightPath.isNotEmpty()) rightPath + this
else emptySet()
The general theory behind findHumanPath
is this - for the NumberMonkey
nodes, if you are the humn
node, return yourself in a set as a Set<Monkey>
, otherwise, return an emptySet
. For the FormulaMonkey
nodes, if the humn
node is down the left side, we recursively call findHumanPath
on the left side, and add ourself to the Set<Monkey>
being constructed. We do identical work on the right
side. If the humn
node isn’t on either side, we return an emptySet
Calling root.findHumanPath()
will return us a Set<Monkey>
that contains all of the Monkey
instances from the root to the humn node.
Next, we’ll write a function to calculateHumanValue
// In Day21
private interface Monkey {
// ... existing functions and properties not shown
fun calculateHumanValue(humanPath: Set<Monkey> = findHumanPath(), incoming: Long = 0L): Long
private class NumberMonkey {
// ... existing functions and properties not shown
override fun calculateHumanValue(humanPath: Set<Monkey>, incoming: Long): Long =
if (name == "humn") incoming else number
The implementation for calculateHumanValue
in NumberMonkey
is straight forward - either it is the humn node, in which case we return the incoming
value from the parent node (a FormulaMonkey
) or we’re some other non-humn node and we return the number
we would normally return in response to a yell
Note that the default value for humanPath
is the output of findHumanPath
. This simplifies the work we do in FormulaMonkey
The implementation in FormulaMonkey
is a bit more complicated:
// In Day 21
private class FormulaMonkey {
// ... existing functions and properties not shown
override fun calculateHumanValue(humanPath: Set<Monkey>, incoming: Long): Long =
if (name == "root") {
if (left in humanPath) left.calculateHumanValue(humanPath, right.yell())
else right.calculateHumanValue(humanPath, left.yell())
} else if (left in humanPath) {
left.calculateHumanValue(humanPath, incoming leftAntiOp right.yell()) // Negate
} else {
right.calculateHumanValue(humanPath, incoming rightAntiOp left.yell()) // Negate
private infix fun Long.leftAntiOp(right: Long): Long =
when (op) {
'+' -> this - right
'-' -> this + right
'*' -> this / right
else -> this * right
private infix fun Long.rightAntiOp(right: Long): Long =
when (op) {
'+' -> this - right
'-' -> right - this
'*' -> this / right
else -> right / this
When we call calculateHmanValue
on the root
node, we have to set up our process by finding theHumanPath
so we know which side to call to get the value. When we identify the left
side as the one with the humn, we tell it to ultimately return the value of the right
node’s yell, and vise-versa for the right.
If we aren’t the root node, we do similar work by figuring whether the left
or right
side is the one with the humn node. If we find that the left
side is the one with the humn, for example, we calculate the incoming
value to that node by taking our incoming
value and doing a negating operation with the right-side yell
The real work is done in the leftAntiOp
and rightAntiOp
functions, which we’ll implement as infix
functions on Long
. It took me a while to figure this out and debug it, so I’m glad it finally works. :)
Once we’ve done all this, we can solve Part Two:
// In Day21
fun solvePart2(): Long =
Star earned! See you tomorrow.
Further Reading
- Index of All Solutions - All posts and solutions for 2022, in Kotlin.
- My Github repo - Solutions and tests for each day.
- Solution - Full code for day 21
- Advent of Code - Come join in and do these challenges yourself!