Advent of Code 2021 - Day 21, in Kotlin - Dirac Dice
Kotlin solutions to parts 1 and 2 of Advent of Code 2021, Day 21: 'Dirac Dice'
I can’t say I understand much about quantum theory, but I do understand recursive functions. I almost never get to use them in my day job, but I love using them in Advent of Code when I can. For part one, we’ll write a fairly iterative solution, and in part two we’ll write a nice recursive functional solution with some caching to speed things up.
If you’d rather just view code, the GitHub Repository is here .
Problem Input
Parsing today’s input is a breeze thanks to substringAfterLast
from the Kotlin standard library. Take the part of the String
after the last space, turn it into an Int
, and we’re done.
class Day21(input: List<String>) {
private val player1Start: Int = input.first().substringAfterLast(" ").toInt()
private val player2Start: Int = input.last().substringAfterLast(" ").toInt()
⭐ Day 21, Part 1
The puzzle text can be found here.
We’ll begin coding by creating a class to represent the DeterministicDie
. It will contain the value
of the die, how many rolls
it has done, and will have a roll
function to calculate the next three rolls (since we always want three rolls). I was tempted to not maintain mutable state within DeterministicDie
but eventually decided that the rest of the code is cleaner this way.
// In Day21
private class DeterministicDie(var value: Int = 0, var rolls: Int = 0) {
fun roll(): Int {
rolls += 3
value += 3
return 3 * value - 3
You might notice that DeterministicDie
doesn’t wrap back around at 100. Why? Let’s look at where this number eventually gets used, in PlayerState
, the data class we’ll crate next.
// In Day21
private data class PlayerState(val place: Int, val score: Int = 0) {
fun next(die: Int): PlayerState {
val nextPlace = (place + die - 1) % 10 + 1
return PlayerState(
place = nextPlace,
score = score + nextPlace
The PlayerState
class is a data class because we’ll be copying them in part two as part of our state management. The PlayerState
class has a place
indicating where in the 1-10 spots the player in question is located, and a score
. The PlayerState
class has a single function - next
which takes in the amount of a die
roll and returns the next PlayerState
, as if that player moved. First we calculate the nextPlace
the player will go given the current place
and the die
value, and return a new PlayerState
object with an updated place
and score
Getting back to why the DeterministicDie
doesn’t wrap back around to 1 when it gets to 100. Suppose we are handed the DeterministicDie
and it has just rolled a 98. For us, we know that it will roll (99, 100, 1) if we’re wrapping around properly, or (99, 100, 101) if we aren’t. Because the place
in PlayerState
figures out the new location and does a mod 10 (divide by 10 and take the remainder), we can take advantage of the fact that our DeterministicDie
“wraps around” at a multiple of 10. Getting back to our options - (99, 100, 1) or (99, 100, 101), let’s do some math. 99+100+1=200. 99+100+101=300. Both 200 and 300 mod 10 results in 0. This is why we don’t have to wrap the value
counter in DeterministicDie
The next thing we’ll need to write is another data class (again, because we’ll be copying them in part two) to represent the GameState
. This class has PlayerState
s for both player1
and player2
and a Boolean
called player1Turn
to indicate whether it is currently player 1’s turn or not. The main function of GameState
is called next
and its job is to generate the next state, given a die
roll. We can do this by examining player1Turn
. If it is player 1’s turn, our next GameState
is the result of player 1’s next turn, plus player 2’s previous (existing) turn, and the opposite of the player1Turn
flag, so play flips to the opposite player each turn.
There are some helper functions in GameState
as well. One to determine if this state represents a win state, called isWinner
(we default the scoreNeeded
to 1000 here, we’ll have a different value in part two). And two, a minScore
function to return the smallest player score, to make our calling code a bit friendlier to look at.
// In Day21
private data class GameState(
val player1: PlayerState,
val player2: PlayerState,
val player1Turn: Boolean = true
) {
fun next(die: Int): GameState =
if (player1Turn) else player1,
if (!player1Turn) else player2,
player1Turn = !player1Turn
fun isWinner(scoreNeeded: Int = 1000): Boolean =
player1.score >= scoreNeeded || player2.score >= scoreNeeded
fun minScore(): Int =
minOf(player1.score, player2.score)
Now that we have those, we can play a complete game.
// In Day21
private val initialGameState = GameState(PlayerState(player1Start), PlayerState(player2Start))
fun solvePart1(): Int {
var game = initialGameState
val die = DeterministicDie()
while (!game.isWinner()) {
game =
return game.minScore() * die.rolls
The first thing to note is that we now have a new field called initialGameState
. We define that because we’ll use it in part two as well, and it just cleans things up a bit. Note that we don’t really need player1Start
and player2Start
as fields any longer, we could just parse those as-needed and put them into initialGameState
, but I felt this was cleaner. Our solution creates a DeterministicDie
and keeps rolling it and passing it to
in order to generate the next game state. We do this while
there is not a winner. Once there is a winner, we get the minScore
and multiply it by the number of rolls
the DeterministicDie
has performed.
Star earned! Onward!
⭐ Day 21, Part 2
The puzzle text can be found here.
Our strategy for part two is going to be a recursive function that ultimately returns a WinCounts
object. This object contains the number of times player 1 has won, and the number of times player 2 has won. We could use a Pair<Long,Long>
here but I’m trying to avoid Pair this year for clarity. Let’s define WinCounts
before discussing our algorithm further.
// In Day21
private class WinCounts(val player1: Long, val player2: Long) {
operator fun plus(other: WinCounts): WinCounts =
WinCounts(player1 + other.player1, player2 + other.player2)
operator fun times(other: Long): WinCounts =
WinCounts(player1 * other, player2 * other)
fun max(): Long =
maxOf(player1, player2)
Since our algorithm will need to add WinCount
objects together and also multiply WinCounts
by some value, we’ll provide operator functions to make that easy to look at.
Before continuing the discussion of our algorithm, let’s think about what happens when we roll the die. It’s either a 1, 2, or 3. Keep in mind that we’re rolling that three times because that rules hasn’t changed. So for each turn, 27 (3 * 3 * 3) universes open up in front of us. Can we reduce this? Sure! Think about the three rolls. If we roll three times and each time roll a 1, we have (1, 1, 1) for a total of 3. If we roll (1, 1, 2) we have a total of 4. But wait! If we roll (1,2,1) or (2,1,1) we also have a 4, but there are now more ways to get there.
We could go off and write a function to calculate this but I ended up just storing the values in a map since Kotlin doesn’t have great support for permutations or cartesian products out of the box.
Let’s define that map:
// In Day21
private val quantumDieFrequency: Map<Int, Long> =
mapOf(3 to 1, 4 to 3, 5 to 6, 6 to 7, 7 to 6, 8 to 3, 9 to 1)
To read that, the key of the map is the total rolled (3 to 9) and the value of the map is how many different ways there are to get that total. So for a total of 3, there is 1 way to do it. For a total of 4, there are 3 ways to do it. This will let us simulate a lot of rolls without doing all of the work. If we know (for example) how many times player 1 wins if we roll a total of 4 in a specific game state, we can multiply that number by 3 (frequency) to get the total wins for any combination of die rolls that adds up to 4.
OK! Strategy. Let’s define a recursive function to run through all of the possible games we can play. Our function will be given a GameState
object and if it wins, we’ll return a WinCounts
object. Otherwise, we’ll generate every possible next GameState
and recurse, checking for winners. Eventually we’ll get a bunch of WinCounts
objects that we can put together to get the WinCounts
for the entire problem space.
Now we can write our recursive function:
// In Day21
private val stateMemory: MutableMap<GameState, WinCounts> = mutableMapOf()
private fun playQuantum(state: GameState = initialGameState): WinCounts =
when {
state.isWinner(21) ->
if (state.player1.score > state.player2.score) WinCounts(1, 0) else WinCounts(0, 1)
state in stateMemory ->
else -> { (die, frequency) ->
playQuantum( * frequency
}.reduce { a, b -> a + b }.also { stateMemory[state] = it }
Because we end up going through the same GameState
multiple times, we are going to cache them as we figure them out in stateMemory
- a MutableMap
that holds each GameState
and the WinCounts
object associated with that state. Our recursive function begins, like all recursive function should, with our “terminal state”. Our terminal state in this case is “there is a winner”. If so, we return a WinCounts
object with either 1 win for player 1 or 1 win for player 2.
Next, we check the cache. Have we seen this state before? If so, we return the WinCounts
we’ve already calculated, there’s no sense in recalculating that. Note that both GameState
and PlayerState
are data classes rather than classes because we put them in the map and need their hashcode
and equals
methods to be defined. Since data class gives us that for free, we’ll define them both that way.
Finally, we look at every possible roll total we can have from quantumDieFrequency
(3 through 9) and for each one of those, generate the next
and pass it to ourselves (playQuantum
). Since the result from that call will ultimately be a WinCounts
object, we’ll need to multiply it by the frequency
(remember, there are 3 ways to roll up to a 4). Once we have WinCounts
objects for each possible roll total (3 through 9) we add them up to get the total WinCounts
for this game at this state. We’ll cache that knowledge in stateMemory
by tacking an also
on to our reduce
function. I love also
because it lets me add a side-effect to an otherwise nice functional call chain.
All that’s left to do is play!
// In Day21
fun solvePart2(): Long =
Star earned!
Further Reading
- Index of All Solutions - All posts and solutions for 2021, in Kotlin.
- My Github repo - Solutions and tests for each day.
- Solution - Full code for day 21
- Advent of Code - Come join in and do these challenges yourself!