Advent of Code 2019 - Day 23, in Kotlin
Kotlin solutions to parts 1 and 2 of Advent of Code 2019, Day 23: 'Category Six'
Today we’ll have a lot of fun with coroutines and channels!
If you’d rather just view code, the GitHub Repository is here .
Problem Input
Our IntCode input is always parsed the same way…
class Day23(input: String) {
private val program: MutableMap<Long, Long> = input
.associateTo(mutableMapOf()) { it.index.toLong() to it.value.toLong() }
We will also annotate our class with @ExperimentalCoroutinesApi
because we’re using an experimental opt-in feature.
⭐ Day 23, Part 1
The puzzle text can be found here.
Most of the work to solve both parts happens in Part 1 today, so let’s go over what we’re going to build.
- A function that starts a coroutine context via
which will… - Create 50 instances of our
, each in their own coroutine - Create a
that theanswer
will eventually be delivered to - Create another
that will assist with routing messages between computers - Create a coroutine for each computer to listen to its output and forward anything it receives to a
- A
, which will handle routing messages to other computers, or theanswer
Let’s start with the router
private fun CoroutineScope.router(
computers: Array<IntCodeComputerMk2>,
nat: SendChannel<Pair<Long, Long>>
): SendChannel<Triple<Long, Long, Long>> {
val input: Channel<Triple<Long, Long, Long>> = Channel(UNLIMITED)
launch {
while (true) {
val (to, x, y) = input.receive()
if (to == 255L) {
nat.send(Pair(x, y))
} else {
return input
This is an extension function on CoroutineScope
, so it can be launched more easily from the function we’ll write a bit later on. This takes in an Array
of all the computers, and a Channel
called nat
, which we will use to send anything destined for computer 255, which is a special signal. The router function itself returns a Channel
that can be used to send messages to the router logic, which we kick off in a coroutine. If a message (a Pair<Long, Long>
) is intended for a computer, it is sent directly. Otherwise, the nat
Channel receives it.
Let’s write the function that we described above that does all the work:
private fun runComputers(
natMessageHandler: suspend (Array<IntCodeComputerMk2>, ReceiveChannel<Pair<Long, Long>>, SendChannel<Pair<Long, Long>>) -> Unit
): Int = runBlocking {
val computers = Array(50) {
IntCodeComputerMk2(program = program.copyOf(), output = Channel(UNLIMITED))
val answer = Channel<Pair<Long, Long>>(CONFLATED)
val nat = Channel<Pair<Long, Long>>(UNLIMITED)
val router = router(computers, nat)
launch {
natMessageHandler(computers, nat, answer)
computers.forEachIndexed { id, computer ->
launch {
// Initialize with network id.
launch {
while (true) {
answer.receive().second.toInt().also {
I know there’s a lot there, so let’s go over it. This function expects the caller to hand it another suspending function that is used to handle messages sent to computer 255. This is where we will differentiate the logic between Part 1 and Part 2.
First we create our computers, giving each one of them a copy of the program
(our input) and setting the output
channel to UNLIMITED
because they produce more than one output. We also create some helper channels: answer
and nat
. Each of these handles Pair<Long,Long>
, which will ultimately be the x
and y
values. We’ll make answer
channel, because we only want one answer.
Next, we pass the computer
and the nat
channel to the router
function we created and get back another Channel
. We also launch our natMessageHandler
suspending function in its own coroutine.
Next, we need to start all our computers and create a coroutine for each to listen to output and pass it to the router
. It’s important to initialize the computer with its id
, and tell it that there is no other input by sending -1
. I was hoping that we could just ignore that, leveraging the fact that our coroutine channel would suspend when there is no input, but I couldn’t get that to work. I suspect the -1 drives logic within the IntCode
Finally, we listen to our answer
channel for the first message it sends. Since this is our answer we can return it after killing off all the coroutines we just started.
For part 1, we need to call this function with the logic we want applied when we get a message for computer 255:
fun solvePart1(): Int =
runComputers { _, nat, answerChannel ->
In Part 1, we call our runComputers
function and hand it the implementation of our natMessageHandler
as a lambda. In this case, we want to grab the first message sent on the nat
channel (where 255-destined messages go), and pass it to the answer
channel. This might seem a bit overkill, but we’ll use this to make Part 2 simpler.
Star earned!
⭐ Day 23, Part 2
The puzzle text can be found here.
For Part 2, we have everything we need because of the work we did in Part 1. All we need to do is write the logic to determine the answer and pass messages to computer 0 if they are all waiting around for something to do:
fun solvePart2(): Int =
runComputers { computers, nat, answerChannel ->
coroutineScope {
var mostRecentNatValue: Pair<Long, Long> = nat.receive()
launch {
while (true) {
mostRecentNatValue = nat.receive()
launch {
var latestDelivery: Long? = null
while (true) {
if (computers.all { it.input.isEmpty }) {
val toSend = mostRecentNatValue
if (latestDelivery == toSend.second) {
latestDelivery = toSend.second
delay(10) // Give the computers a chance to work
In this part, our lambda/suspend function records the mostRecentValue
received from the nat
channel. Since we don’t want to do anything unless we receive something destined for computer 255, we can start off by suspending on nat.receive()
. Once that happens, we can launch a coroutine to maintain this value - any time nat
receives a value, overwrite the mostRecentNatValue
Finally, we launch a coroutine to monitor the state of the input channels on all our computers. If they are all empty, we send whatever is in mostRecentNatValue
to computer 0. Otherwise, we check to see if the y
value we just received matches the previous one. If they do match, that’s our answer, so we sent it along the answerChannel
. It’s important to note here that I needed to insert a delay
, otherwise we would either calculate the wrong value or swam our computers with -1. Perhaps you know a way to improve this? Let me know!
Star earned!
Further Reading
- Index of All Solutions - All posts and solutions for 2019, in Kotlin.
- My Github repo - Solutions and tests for each day.
- Solution - Full code for day 23
- Advent of Code - Come join in and do these challenges yourself!