Advent of Code 2017 - Day 8, in Kotlin
Kotlin solutions to parts 1 and 2 of Advent of Code 2017, Day 8: 'I Heard You Like Registers'
Day 8 has us implementing a small set of CPU instructions, with some conditional logic. If you’d rather jump straight to the code, it’s right here .
I’ve challenged myself to post each day’s solution to Github and blog about it. Like last year, I’m going to be solving these problems in Kotlin. I might go back and revise solutions, but I’ll be sure to annotate that fact in these posts.
Problem Input
We are given a set of input
for this problem. I’ve parsed this into an List<String>
that we will further parse into instructions.
⭐ Day 8, Part 1
The puzzle text can be found here.
I think there are several approaches we could take here. We could parse each line of input and execute the instruction right then and there, or we could create an object to represent each instruction, and then execute them. I chose the latter, because that just seems clearer to me. Plus, we haven’t seen part two yet and I suspect we’ll want a more robust solution.
Let’s first define some things that we’ll need:
private val instructionRegex = """(\S+)""".toRegex()
private val registers: MutableMap<String, Int> = mutableMapOf()
private val instructions: List<Instruction> = parseInput(input)
We’re going to parse our input with another regular expression, just like yesterday. This one is fairly simple, it just says “find anything that’s not whitespace and group them together”. Our input has seven total fields, and we can refer to them by number later. We’ll also define a mutable map to hold our registers
. The instructions state that every register starts off at zero, so we’ll have to be careful to account for that whenever we read from the map. And finally, we’ll have a list of instructions
we can go through later.
I want to look at our input and make a few decisions about how we’ll represent it. I’ve spaced it out to make it easier to read.
c inc -20 if c == 10
I’m going to call the part after the if
, a condition
, and like the parser we have a decision to make on how to represent it. We could implement all of the logic as a set of sealed classes, or we could just create and return a function that takes an Int
and returns a Boolean
, indicating if the condition is met or not. In our case above, it would return true if the c
register is 10 exactly. I’m going to go with the function approach, but if this gets more complicated in part two, maybe we’ll have to rethink this.
So let’s write some code to create a condition
private fun createCondition(symbol: String, amount: Int): (Int) -> Boolean =
when (symbol) {
"==" -> { n -> n == amount }
"!=" -> { n -> n != amount }
"<" -> { n -> n < amount }
">" -> { n -> n > amount }
"<=" -> { n -> n <= amount }
">=" -> { n -> n >= amount }
else -> throw IllegalArgumentException("Unknown symbol: $symbol")
Thanks to the when
expression, this is nice and clean and easy to see what we’re trying to do. Each time this is called a new function will be returned that compares the input to the amount
Looking at our input some more, the left hand side of the if statement has some conditional logic as well (increment or decrement), and we will take a similar approach: create a function that takes an Int
and returns an Int
representing the new register value. We’ll call this the changer
(I realize that name is kind of lame, feel free to call yours just about anything else for clarity).
And by now, we have all of our concepts ready, so we can define our Instruction
class Instruction(private val condition: (Int) -> Boolean,
private val conditionRegister: String,
private val instructionRegister: String,
private val changer: (Int) -> Int) {
fun execute(registers: MutableMap<String, Int>) {
if (condition(registers.getOrDefault(conditionRegister, 0))) {
registers[instructionRegister] = changer(registers.getOrDefault(instructionRegister, 0))
The Instruction
takes four parameters:
- Our
, which must be true to actually execute the instruction. - A
, the 5th field of input, the register the condition applies to. - An
, the 1st field of input, the register the instruction applies to. - A
function, which does the changing of the instruction register.
Going through the code, it’s fairly straight forward. Somebody will call execute
and pass in the map of register values. If our condition is true after being evaluated with the condition register, we will call the changer with the value of the instruction register, and save the value. Also, we define registers as we need them because assume they are zero unless we add or subtract them ourselves.
And therefore, parsing looks like this:
private fun parseInput(input: List<String>): List<Instruction> =
.map {
val groups = instructionRegex.findAll(it).toList().map { it.value }
val condition = createCondition(groups[5], groups[6].toInt())
if (groups[1] == "inc")
Instruction(condition, groups[4], groups[0]) { it + groups[2].toInt() }
Instruction(condition, groups[4], groups[0]) { it - groups[2].toInt() }
This might look a bit terse, so let’s walk through it. For each raw row of input we parse it with our regular expression and end up with a List<String>
). We create a condition, and an instruction. If we’re incrementing, our changer
function is defined to add, otherwise to subtract. This way, we don’t have to have two nearly identical implementations of Instruction
for increment and decrement.
Solving part one is a simple matter of executing the instructions and finding the register with the largest value:
fun solvePart1(): Int {
instructions.forEach { it.execute(registers) }
return registers.values.max() ?: 0
This runs very fast, and earns us a star!
⭐ Day 8, Part 2
The puzzle text can be found here.
That doesn’t seem all that hard, does it? It looks like we can solve this with one minor change to our existing code. Every time an Instruction
executes, it has the possibility of altering a register value. What if we returned the register being changed, even if our condition isn’t met?
Now, our Instruction
class looks like this:
class Instruction(private val condition: (Int) -> Boolean,
private val conditionRegister: String,
private val instructionRegister: String,
private val changer: (Int) -> Int) {
fun execute(registers: MutableMap<String, Int>): Int {
if (condition(registers.getOrDefault(conditionRegister, 0))) {
registers[instructionRegister] = changer(registers.getOrDefault(instructionRegister, 0))
return registers.getOrDefault(instructionRegister, 0)
Our execute
function returns an Int
, the value of its register.
And to solve, we just find the maximum value returned from each Instruction
after execution:
fun solvePart2(): Int = { it.execute(registers) }.max() ?: 0
We’re done! It works just as quickly as part one and earns us a star.
I hope you’ve learned something, and as always, feedback is welcome!
2^3 days and we’ve earned 2^4 stars with 34 left to go!
Further Reading
- Index of All Solutions - All solutions for 2017, in Kotlin.
- My Github repo - Solutions and tests for each day.
- Solution - Full code for day 8.
- Advent of Code - Come join in and do these challenges yourself!
- Music to Code By - 10538 Overture, by Electric Light Orchestra.